Srimathi Sundaravalli Memorial School is a CBSE school present in Nagappa Nagar, Crompet, Chennai, India. This school is named after smt. sundaravalli, mother of the founder Mr.K.Santhanam.
The school provides all modern facilities for the 4200 students currently enrolled. Aside from the main school building, another building in Perungalathur is about 13km away from the main building in Crompet where the Montessori students are trained. Highly trained teachers teach the students and ensure that they understand every concept taught in the school.
This school has always scored cent percent results right from the beginning. it celebrated its silver jubilee last year,ie, 2010. the head of the school is Mr. Parthasarathy(late). it is also connected with the sarada secondary school.
The school also trains the students in fine arts: keyboard, vocal, mridangam, veena, photography, bharatanatyam, violin and arts and crafts. it also trains the students in soft skills. there are 4 periods in a week for every class in which they are taken to the sports complex for sports and swimming. it also takes them to field trips frequently and also to tour to one place in the country(once in a year).
The school believes in practical education and provides all the students with lab facilities. 1. junior lab for students of class 3-5 2. middle lab for classes 6-8 3. physics lab 4. chemistry lab 5. biology lab ( all the above 3 are for 9-12)
The school is equipped with a large computer center with about 50-60 computers. also each class is provided with a Plasma TV to show power point presentations for better understanding of the students. classes are also provided with student friendly furniture, bubble top water, cupboards and a green board. the school is also situated in a student friendly environment. the school is distinguished by its remarkable discipline.
Great people like actor nagesh, Y.G.Mahendran, Dr.J.S.Rajkumar of lifeline hospital have praised the school to a great extent. students here are well behaved and mannered. they are trained in such a way that they become beautiful citizens in the society.
The school also gives importance to religion and culture. every festival of every religion is celebrated in the school with a great fervor.